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Harmonic reducers are robot reducers. Have you understood their harmonic distortion factors?

Publish Time: 2024-03-11 Origin: site

With the development of frequency conversion technology, many industries have also joined the process of mechanical automation. Because the advantages of this harmonic WPEA80-147,WPEA100-155,WPEA120-175,WPEA135-200,WPEA155-250 reducer are incomparable to many other reducers today, such as its small size. The harmonics in various environments are also becoming increasingly complex. Understanding harmonics requires an understanding of the definitions related to harmonics. This article provides a brief introduction to the definitions of harmonics and harmonic distortion factors.

One of the styles of harmonic reducers

1、 Definition related to harmonics

1. Harmonic frequency fn: The harmonic frequency is a frequency equal to an integer multiple of the power supply frequency (fundamental frequency);

2. Harmonic order n: The integer ratio of harmonic frequency to power frequency;

3. Root mean square value of harmonic components: the root mean square value of a component at a certain harmonic frequency during non sinusoidal waveform analysis;

Root mean square value of harmonic group: The square root of the sum of the root mean square value of a certain harmonic within a time window and its adjacent spectral components, in order to obtain the sum of the energy parts of adjacent spectra and that harmonic.

Inter harmonic component: The sinusoidal component of a periodic quantity that has inter harmonic frequency.

2、 Definition related to harmonic distortion factor

1. Total harmonic distortion THD

THD: The ratio of the root mean square value of the sum of all harmonic components (Gn) before a specified order (H) to the root mean square value of the fundamental component (G1);

2. Total harmonic distortion of harmonic group THDG

THDG: The ratio of the root mean square value of the harmonic distortion factor wave group (g) to the root mean square value of the wave group related to the fundamental wave;

3. Subgroup total harmonic distortion THDS

THDS: The ratio of the root mean square value of the harmonic subgroup (sg) to the root mean square value of the subgroup related to the fundamental wave;

4. Partial weighted harmonic distortion PWHD

PWHD: The ratio of the root mean square value weighted by the order of a selected group of harmonics with higher order to the root mean square value of the fundamental wave;

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